Creative drive, a microspace of unique ideas and a film output that does more then just serving the function. All that describes Luli Productions well. Facing every project with humility, we create unique solutions for a diverse range of sectors.  



Perception is everything. We share our premises with a myriad of creative film professionals, allowing us to quickly set up an experienced crew for any filming purpose required. Editorial and post facilities work hand in hand, ensuring a seamless process from start to finish. 




Dieter Rams said “My aim is to omit everything superfluous so that the essential is shown to the best possible advantage.” 

Great design is about much more then aesthetics.  A design should create moments of delight for those encountering it.  


The Sound of Disney (2020), D: Linda Gasser, C: Paul Becht
The Sound of Disney (2020), D: Linda Gasser, C: Paul Becht
What If (2017), D: Linda Gasser, C: Paul Becht
What If (2017), D: Linda Gasser, C: Paul Becht
Edifice 129 (2024), D: various, C: various
Edifice 129 (2024), D: various, C: various
The Sands Of Summers Past (2018), D: Joshua Krull, C: David Acereto
The Sands Of Summers Past (2018), D: Joshua Krull, C: David Acereto
Save Ur XMas (2014), D: Linda Gasser, C: Sebastian Matthias
Save Ur XMas (2014), D: Linda Gasser, C: Sebastian Matthias
3 Minutes (2016), D: Linda Gasser, C:-Saskia Streußel
3 Minutes (2016), D: Linda Gasser, C:-Saskia Streußel
The Case Of Conrad Cooper (2014), D: Valerie Dalena, C: Ryan Summerset
The Case Of Conrad Cooper (2014), D: Valerie Dalena, C: Ryan Summerset
Alphorst (2020) D: Linda Gasser, C: Paul Becht
Alphorst (2020) D: Linda Gasser, C: Paul Becht
Kamaloka (2018), D: Linda Gasser, C: various
Kamaloka (2018), D: Linda Gasser, C: various
Observada (2021), D.: Linda Gasser, C: Paul Becht & Linda Gasser
Observada (2021), D.: Linda Gasser, C: Paul Becht & Linda Gasser
A Film about Photograohy (2018), D: Linda Gasser, C: various
A Film about Photograohy (2018), D: Linda Gasser, C: various

By clicking on the stills you can find out more about each project.